Grow your very own sponges! These gourds are fun to grow and will give you a lifetime supply of not only more seeds, but Luffa sponges! Great for dishes, scrubbing your scaley babies, or using on yourself! Best part is that you can control what chemicals they are grown in so you know you are getting the best product available.
Grow in full sun after last chance of frost. Luffa Gourds are vining, so they need a trellis. They produce heavy bodied fruits and have both male and female flowers. Fruit should be left on the vine until it browns and dries at which time you can harvest, peel the skin off, shake out the seeds, wash and you are ready to go!
You can also pick when the fruit is young (less than 6 inches long) and it is delicious!
1 packet contains approximately 20 seeds