Grown and collected right here on our farm. Each pack contains 10 seeds
Blue Butterfly Pea Flowers are a stunningly blue vining perinneal (in warmer climates) and annual in cooler climates (it cannot survive the frost). It grows best in zones 9-11 however it can grow in cooler climates, just bring it inside when the temps drop below 60 degrees F.
Sow seeds 1/2" deep in the Spring in a sunny spot. Blue Butterfly Pea does prefer temperatures between 70-100 degrees F.
This plant does require a treliss.
The entire plant can be used, young pods and flowers can be eaten, and the roots, leaves and flowers can be used in various teas, tinctures and tonics.
Blue Butterfly Pea is not only a beautiful flower known for making stunning teas and drinks, it has been used for centuries for medicinal purposes:
Antioxidant: This is one of the major benefits of consuming the tea. It is antioxidant rich (particularly anthocyanins) which is important for fighting off free radicals.
Anti Inflammatory: Particularly in tea form, Blue Butterfly Pea is great for pain relief and inflammation.
Fatigue Relief: Due to it's anti inflammatory effects and promoting a sense of calmness, not to mention rich in vitamins and minerals, it helps to combat chronic fatigue.
Analgesic: Great for pain relief and healing wounds. The leaves can be ground into a paste and applied over inflammation or infection. Tea made from the boiled leaves can be used as a wound wash as well. The leaves are antifungal and antibactierial.
Blood Sugar Regulation: Blue Butterfly Pea helps to regulate blood sugar. Be cautious when drinking the tea if you are on diabetes medication as it can lower your blood sugar levels too low.
Reduces Stress and Anxiety: Has a calming and sedative effect on the nervous system which has been shown in studies to help with anxiety and depression.