Charcoal suspension is a must have remedy to keep on hand in case your animal ever needs treatment for acute poisoning. Accidents can happen any time, especially if you let your lizards enjoy their freedom when outdoors. If your animal eats a poisonous bug, toad or plant, you can't waste precious time mixing up powder or figuring out dosages. Treat your animal immediately with charcoal already in a liquid base. Comes with a syringe and dosages are written on the label.
Hopefully you never have to use it!!
Dosage: 500mg (4cc) -1000mg (8cc) per kg or you would give .4cc to .8cc per 100g of body weight.
A 350g dragon would need 1.4cc to 2.8cc but a 700g dragon would need twice that amount. Bigger iguanas, tegus and monitors could need the whole bottle. 15mL contains 1875mg of charcoal - 30mL contains 3750mg charcoal
Raspberry flavored
Strength: 125mg/mL
15mL squeeze bottle with spout tip & 3cc oral syringe